Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's no secret

that the U.S. is a very politically polarized place in these times.  As for me, I like to see people I know using the internet to express and challenge one another's points of view,  because the occasional moments of social progress that have moved us forward as a society have inevitably resulted from debates like these and of all kinds.

But here's the thing:  I've just seen someone make a clever and indirect endorsement of the use of mustard gas,  with a "God Bless"  and a smiley emoticon.

I'm a bit taken aback.

Even when the "heroes" of our personal political views do hideous things, dogma can trap us into a defensive place of unnecessary justification.

I hope I never become that for the Obama's of the world.  I hope I never completely lose my objectivity and sense of humanity,  just to stick with team colors.  Up to now I can say with confidence that my sense of right and wrong have not been disposed of for the sake of rhetoric.

And to my friend who places a smiley face and her God's Blessing on the mass murder of innocent people,  I know I will never reach this person with reason.   Something is very very disconnected.   It's probably true that in an internet forum or in life,  this person has chosen a set of beliefs that can have little if any relation to reality,  the reality where human life everywhere is precious, and a world where even the people you can't see and touch do actually exist.

For me, it's a personal struggle.  

I know with absolute clarity something that is very slow to dawn on people of my country and culture:

No amount of killing of innocent people is, or will ever be, an acceptable action. 

A society that indulges mass killing can never be "free". 

A people that accepts these acts will always be imprisoned and enslaved by falseness and evil.

The progress of humankind is stuck on this, polarized and mired in a debate that shouldn't be.